Nancy Blair, IPP's board co-chair and long time supporter of IPP's work inside prisons, passed away on August 12th as a result of acute adult leukemia. Nancy, who believed in helping people in often forgotten parts of our community, lived her life with energy, excitement and passion, and was a tremendous addition to the IPP team. She will be greatly missed by many at IPP. Nancy's obituary can be found in the San Francisco Chronicle by clicking here.
1 Comment
Dispatches from the Inside: Searching for redemption without resources for self-improvement8/14/2012 I am within a few months of completing a thirteen year term of imprisonment. You'd think I would be ecstatic, that I could do the rest of my time "standing on my head", as the saying goes. But each day I find myself becoming more and more frustrated, angry and disillusioned. I've experienced a steady decline of hope since arriving at CMC from San Quentin. It is because here I have no sense of purpose, of forward progress, and the disappointment is that no one in authority seems to care.
Click here to read the complete story, Dispatches from the Inside, by California Men's Colony (CMC) inmate Richard Gilliam |
March 2019
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